Kampaign 1931 Program
Kampaign 1931 is a simple, integrated and efficient membership outreach and fundraising program designed to enable the members of the Alpha Theta Network the ability to pay annual TSUNAA and ATN membership dues while contributing a fixed monthly donation of $19.31 (or more) to the Alpha Theta Network Scholarship & Endowment Fund simultaneously. Kampaign 1931 makes it possible to do all of this, both safe and secure, in one place, all as the same time...ONLINE!
Tax-Deductible Giving Campaign
The primary goal of Kampaign 1931 is to establish a donation strategy that will provide the majority of funds needed to execute the ATN mission. Our approach is to establish a laddered strategy that demonstrates our kommitment to the community through:
1) Consistent monthly giving from the Leadership Team
2) Consistent monthly giving from ATN Brothers
3) Sponsorship opportunities for friends of the ATN
4) Sponsorship opportunities for local Nashville area businesses
With this new strategy, the ATN will be able to fully support Tennessee State University students and support the undergraduate Chapter of Alpha Theta through scholarships. The ATN will also look to expand it's influence and impact on the local Nashville area community that needs our support.
Take Action Nupes!
1. Click on the "Dues & Donations" menu header
2. Select the "Join Kampaign 1931" button to pay TSUNAA & ATN Dues and contribute to the ATN Scholarship Fund or
3. Select the ATN Scholarship Fund "only" option to contribute to the ATN Scholarship Fund
4. Scroll down to the "How Much are You Giving" Section
5. Enter your preferred monthly amount and check the box to make a recurring donation
6. Komplete the payment process to authorize the TSU Foundation to deduct your chosen monthly donation ($19.31 or more).